Publisher: Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies

                 Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

                 Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793


Co-Publisher: Collaborative Innovation Center for Confucian Studies



                 University of Helsinki, Dept. of World Cultures, Study of Religions
                 Peking University, Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies
                 Shanghai University, Center for the Study of Religion and Chinese
                 Society; Institute of European and American Religion and Culture,                     Wuhan University


Editorial Committee:

                 International Journal of Sino-Western Studies (IJS)

                 Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

                 Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793


Sole Agent:

                   Sanovan Press

                   Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland,

                   Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793


© December 2011 Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies

All rights reserved.

发行人: 国学与西学北欧论坛

                Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

                Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793




协办者: 芬兰赫尔辛基大学世界文化系宗教学部






                Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

                Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793


总经销: 萨诺瓦出版公司

                Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland

                Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793


版权所有© 国学与西学北欧论坛 2011年12月

International Journal of Sino-Western Studies IJS is a Chinese-English bilingual academic journal, which is published twice a year in June and December in Finland by Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies. It is published simultaneously in printed and electronic online versions.  


The Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies is a university-related research platform based in Helsinki. We aim at encouraging Sino-Western dialogue, research, and enhancement of scholarly activities, e.g, conferences, student & scholar exchange, academic essay prize, and publication. As part of its publication programs, the Forum publishes a new Chinese-English bilingual journal to promote Sino-Western Studies internationally.


The articles published in this journal do not necessarily represent the view or position of the journal or of the editorial board.


This journal is fully open access, but once any part of this journal is reprinted, reproduced, or utilized in any form or by any means, presently known or hereafter invented, our journal's name should be mentioned, including quotations in academic works or book reviews. We neither charge APCs nor authors to publish articles in our journal, and the only license term for quoting or dowloading our articles is to mention our journal's name as the source of origin. Users can use, reuse and build upon the material published in our journal but only for non-commercial purposes.

《国学与西学:国际学刊》是2011年由 “国学与西学北欧论坛” 创办的半年刊汉英双语学术期刊,每年六月及十二月在芬兰以纸质和网络电子版方式同时出版。








Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
