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Comments: 13
  • #13

    Mark Smith (Saturday, 28 December 2024 10:30)

    Good Day,

    Would you be interested in building a new site or possibly rebuilding/repairing your existing site? We are a professional development company.

    I would like to send you my website proposal and examples of websites to see the kind of quality you can expect to receive.

    Do let me know if you are interested.

    Kind Regards,
    Mark Smith

  • #12 (Tuesday, 14 June 2022 12:45)

    Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, BROCHURES, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee.

    We don't charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I'll share my portfolio with you.

  • #11

    Dr.John Anaba Ugochukwu (Saturday, 08 January 2022 15:26)

    Season's greeting.Please I had made attempts to send across to you some messages that failed, and that is why I chose this medium.I wish to send across to you a paper I presented at INFEMIT conference in 2016 on Refugee Crisis, which I have reworked to suit the objectives of your journal. Please do oblige me before I send it across to you.
    Many thanks.

  • #10

    yoga (Wednesday, 29 September 2021 14:08)

    Dear Editor of International Journal of Sino-Western Studies

    Has the manuscript entitled "Implementation of Food Hygiene and Sanitation Principles in Show Kitchen Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak" accepted in the International Journal of Sino-Western Studies?.

    Best Regards,
    Bali, 29-09-2021

  • #9

    Monika Gaenssbauer (Wednesday, 29 September 2021 12:38)

    Dear colleagues,

    I would like to listen to Prof. Zhuo Xinping's lecture on Nov. 22. Could you kindly let me know which Zoom ID the lecture has? Or will it be streamed?
    And in which time zone will the lecture take place?
    Best regards,

    Monika Gaenssbauer

  • #8

    Yoga (Thursday, 29 July 2021 15:49)

    Could our manuscript entitled "The Implementation of Food Hygiene and Sanitation Principles in Show Kitchen Hotel Indigo Bali Seminyak Beach" be published in the International Journal of Sino-Western Studies?.

    Please confirm via, if this manuscript requires revision to be published in the International Journal of Sino-Western Studies.

  • #7

    yoga (Sunday, 11 July 2021)

    Dear Editor of International Journal of Sino-Western Studies

    How long does it take to select a new manuscript in The International Journal of Sino-Western Studies?. How much does it cost to publish a new manuscript in The International Journal of Sino-Western Studies?.

    Kind Regards,
    Bali, 11-07-2021

  • #6

    agnes chalier (Thursday, 29 April 2021 12:04)

    Paulo Huang could you please answers to my mail, thank you(Translation of What do Jews believe into Chinese?)
    agnes chalier , email,

  • #5

    agnes chalier (Wednesday, 07 April 2021 11:43)

    Paulo Huang could you please answers to my mail, thank you(Translation of What do Jews believe into Chinese?)
    agnes chalier , email,

  • #4

    agnes chalier (Wednesday, 07 April 2021 11:37)

    Paulo Huang could you please answers to my mail, thank you(Translation of What do Jews believe into Chinese?)

  • #3

    agnes chalier (Tuesday, 30 March 2021 10:37)

    Paulo Huang could you please answers to my mail ,thank you

  • #2

    Dr.Agnes Chalier (Tuesday, 29 March 2016 17:15)

    To Paulos HUANG, good afternoon have you received my mail of March 17TH ? Thank you for your attention

  • #1

    chalier agnes (Thursday, 17 December 2015 11:38)

    to PAULOS HUANGfrom Dr.Agnes CHALIER

    could you please answer to mail sent to you yesterday morning , thank you

Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
